Doodle as my new craft.

A doodle is an unfocused or unconscious drawing made while a person’s attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be abstract shapes.  A short description from Wikipedia.

Been addicted to doodling these past few days and I think its my way of releasing  the stress out of me. At some point, though a bit tiring I find doodling a fun kind of craft. Doodling thought me how to be patient; filling up the desired design will create an intricate patterns through a combination of swirls, random shapes, various lines and shade of ink.

First Doodle art.

The letter “J” my first ever doodle art, basically “J” came from the first letter of my name which is Jade. It’s a combination of random patterns that runs through my mind. It is  also the first doodle art that I finished, I usually do random sketches whether it is a building or a  human face but I can’t seem to find the vibe to finish one.  I have this tendency that I cannot finish what I had started but in this case I will make an exception.


My second doodle art is the logo of the FIFA World Cup, for now I do not have a specific design for my doodle art just random patterns I think that will suit the chosen design. It is the time that everybody are busy watching the FIFA World Cup, people are busy tweeting, post random news on facebook and sharing photos on instagram. Making this doodle art is my way in joining in the bandwagon. After I shared this on instagram, gladly my friends liked it.


Darth-Vader, I’m beginning to be a total poser here because I’m not even a fan of Star wars. I thought it will be cool if I could make one and the design itself is a challenge to be accepted. The complexity of patterns says it all; through this art piece I’m inspired to make doodles everyday.

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My most recent doodle art. This doodle art is intended for a friend, basically for my friend’s girlfriend named Zyra. She asked for some favor if I could doodle the word “Monster” for her and her boyfriend, any design will do as long I can incorporate the word “Monster”. The word “Monster” came from their respective names; “mon” from the first three letters of mone  (zyra’s nickname) and “ster” from the last four letters of jester (boyfriend’s name). Its kinda cute and sweet gesture for Zyra to make this kind of effort for Jester and I appreciate the fact that she trusted me with this one and fortunately she liked it.

 Sketching and the ability to draw is the primary tool for a successful architect. It is also my motivation why I started sketching again. After my 3rd year in college, our plates and other school requirements are mostly computer generated. I admit that I put aside my drafting stuff like my pencils, technical pens and etc. After graduation I started immediately my apprenticeship as a requirement before taking the board examinations; one of my mentors would always say that “back to basics” when everything fails at least you know how to draw and still be able to present to the client. This is why I dedicate myself into it and I admit that I’m not good in drawing, it will take many papers to throw and  a very long patience to make.

To end my first post,

“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.”

-Joyce Meyer

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